Happy New Year!

RBP9037046 Woman with PearAfter the fireworks and dancing of New Year’s Eve, what do we have on January 1? A resolution that most of us fail to achieve. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45% of Americans make resolutions, but only 8% are successful in achieving their goals. Not surprisingly, in an adult nation that is 69.2% overweight or obese, weight loss is the most common resolution. Although statistics suggest the likelihood of accomplishing a resolution is slim, if you want to achieve your goal, start small, be realistic, and be specific. People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to meet their goals!

Start by writing a plan week by week or month by month. For instance, instead of planning to exercise 5 times per week, plan for 3 times per week. Making realistic goals keeps us from feeling guilt and disappointment. Try one of these tips for a quick, attainable plan. Cut out soda or a sugary snack every day for one month (likely, you won’t add it back in!). Next month, add one more serving of fruit or veggies each day. Add exercise in small amounts – add a walk every other day, or add ten minutes of activity to each day. You’ll feel better, look better, and are more likely to make a different resolution next year. Good luck and happy New Year!

Source: University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 12/13/2013

About Amy Kweller MS, RD

As a Registered Dietitian, I have a professional relationship with pears. But as someone who loves great food, I also have a personal relationship with pears! So there is no better way to spend my time than blogging about this lovely fruit. I will blog about pears from farm to table; healthy living, cooking, and recipes; the therapeutic benefits of pears and a wholesome diet; and how pears can fit into your lifestyle. I have a background in clinical and community nutrition, and teaching others how to lead healthy, fulfilling lives is my goal and passion – so send me your questions. My hope is that everyone who visits this site will find something that lingers long after the browser closes, and I expect that will be a deeper love of pears!

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