More Reasons to Eat Pears!

200253631-001I’ve been a fruit and veggie advocate for years and often give you ideas to increase your consumption. Fruit and vegetables are necessary for vitality and wellbeing – I personally believe these foods should make up the majority of our carbohydrate consumption. I tout pears as an excellent choice, but I’d like to take a moment to get back to basics and review the many reasons why.

A medium pear contains 6 grams of fiber, or 24% of your recommended daily needs. This nutrient is necessary for gut health, satiety, and weight management, and plays a preventive role in gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and many other illnesses. Pears also contain 10% of your daily vitamin C needs and 5% of potassium; adequate amounts of these nutrients are linked to well-being and preventing cancer, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases. Many antioxidants are also found in pears, particularly flavonols, carotenoids and vitamin C. These nutrients are protective against most chronic diseases, but especially cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Beyond these vital nutrients, pears are also portable, delicious, versatile, and keep you satisfied between meals. This humble little fruit packs a powerful punch!

About Amy Kweller MS, RD

As a Registered Dietitian, I have a professional relationship with pears. But as someone who loves great food, I also have a personal relationship with pears! So there is no better way to spend my time than blogging about this lovely fruit. I will blog about pears from farm to table; healthy living, cooking, and recipes; the therapeutic benefits of pears and a wholesome diet; and how pears can fit into your lifestyle. I have a background in clinical and community nutrition, and teaching others how to lead healthy, fulfilling lives is my goal and passion – so send me your questions. My hope is that everyone who visits this site will find something that lingers long after the browser closes, and I expect that will be a deeper love of pears!

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