About Amy Kweller MS, RD

As a Registered Dietitian, I have a professional relationship with pears. But as someone who loves great food, I also have a personal relationship with pears! So there is no better way to spend my time than blogging about this lovely fruit. I will blog about pears from farm to table; healthy living, cooking, and recipes; the therapeutic benefits of pears and a wholesome diet; and how pears can fit into your lifestyle. I have a background in clinical and community nutrition, and teaching others how to lead healthy, fulfilling lives is my goal and passion – so send me your questions. My hope is that everyone who visits this site will find something that lingers long after the browser closes, and I expect that will be a deeper love of pears!

More Reasons to Eat Pears!

I’ve been a fruit and veggie advocate for years and often give you ideas to increase your consumption. Fruit and vegetables are necessary for vitality and wellbeing – I personally believe these foods should make up the majority of our carbohydrate consumption. I tout pears as an excellent choice, but I’d like to take a moment to get back to basics and review the many reasons why. A medium pear contains 6 grams of fiber, or 24% of your recommended daily needs. This nutrient is necessary for gut health, satiety, and weight management, and plays a preventive role in gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and many other illnesses. Pears also contain 10% of your daily vitamin C needs and 5% of potassium; adequate amounts of these nutrients are linked to well-being and preventing cancer, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and Continue reading

Vacation is over…now what?

Summer is vacation season, and vacation often means splurging—usually on food and drink. Dietitians are no exception to this rule! I once gained ten pounds on a three-week stint in northern Italy, mostly from pizza, pasta, and wine. Now that you’re home, how do you get back on track? Well you don’t have to become a hermit or only eat lettuce. Here are five simple steps to help you feel your best while dealing with the post-vacation blues! 1) Eat! Each day make sure your meals and snacks are filling – protein, fat, and fiber are nutrients that keep you satisfied longer and limit sugar spikes that lead to bingeing. Veggie omelets, fruit plus low-sugar yogurt, grilled chicken salad (light on the dressing), or a PBJ on whole grain bread are quick meals that provide a combination of these nutrients. 2) Continue reading

Accentuate the Positive

Have the urge to run out and buy that new, sinful ice cream you just saw on TV? Hold on, you may be a victim of advertising. Published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, researchers from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab reviewed food policy studies and found that when policies encourage good choices, rather than limit bad ones, consumers act more favorably toward them. In one particular study, 173 people were given a choice of various meals. When prices were framed negatively, as a tax on unhealthy choices, unhealthier items’ sales increased: When prices were framed positively, as a discount on healthier items, those sales increased. Emotion plays a very significant role in food choice. I see this principle in action again and again, especially with children. Just like a child having a tantrum at the grocery Continue reading

Summer Arrivals: Get Inspired!

I don’t know about you, but I have been waiting for summer to start for months. We have had so much rain and so many cool days in Denver that it has felt more like April than July. But summer is finally here and that means longer days, fresh fruit, and summer entertaining! Summer is the most wonderful time to explore your local grocer or farmers’ markets for bright colors and fresh flavors. Whether a couple of friends stopped by after work or you’re planning a dinner party for twelve, having fresh fruit handy will make you the host with the most. Personally, when I go all out I decorate the table with all sorts of fresh flavors, put together a fresh spritzer or cocktail, and serve piles of grilled fruits and veggies. But if you’re having an impromptu gathering, Continue reading

The Big C

My family has been dealing with the Big C for the last five years: My dad has had four different cancers in this time. Cancer is a sinister illness involving genetic changes that cause abnormal cells to grow out of control, clog function of vital organs and tissues, and lead to poor quality of life. Cancer and traditional therapies, while important for destroying cancer and improving longevity, cause terrible symptoms and side effects. In this case, the best medicine is prevention. Some cancers are genetic. Exposure to environmental factors, pollution, or excess sunshine can cause cancer. Even the foods we eat and not being active can cause cancer. So what do we do? Here’s your nutrition Rx: Eat your fruits and veggies! Likely the most important part of a healthful diet, the CDC reports that only 14% of adults and Continue reading

Snacking Made Simple

I teach in a culinary school where some of our classes are six hours long, back-to-back. Some of our students (and faculty) are in hot, steamy kitchens for thirteen hours every day! Unfortunately, this scenario happens too often: A student who hasn’t eaten enough suddenly becomes lightheaded. We’ve all felt this way, often as a mid-afternoon crash, but there is a simple solution that prevents fatigue, improves concentration, and decreases money spent on that 3:00 PM coffee run. Eat a simple snack! Vending machine fixes, such as candy bars, chips, pastries, or soft drinks, are usually high in refined sugars that may give you a quick boost but eventually cause a crash that decreases performance. For snacks with real staying power, you may need to plan ahead – but I promise this will only take five minutes! Choose carbohydrates plus Continue reading

Emotional Eating

We’ve all done it… You had a bad day and before you know it, you’re reaching for a pint of ice cream or bag of chips. We’ve been raised to react to emotions this way, from the first time your mom gave you a cookie when you fell down or earned an A on a spelling quiz. It’s so common that I have never met a single client, student, or friend who does not emotionally eat sometimes! So, how do we combat it? The best way is to resolve the problem. Why are you sad? Why are you stressed? Some things we can’t correct, such as a death or divorce, but we can solve how we respond. If you can’t resolve the problem, the solution is how you respond to the urge to binge. The best methods may be talking Continue reading

Diabetes? Eat More Pears!

This weekend I attended the American Diabetes Association’s Chicago Expo, a free educational event for those with diabetes. At the pear booth, I noticed the question we were asked most was “How are pears good for diabetes?” Just like any carbohydrate-rich food, grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, etc., the naturally occurring sugar in fruit is broken down in the gut and absorbed into the blood stream, causing blood sugar to rise. This is good and necessary! Every single cell in the body needs carbohydrate because it is the primary source of energy for the body. Think about how much you move every day. Your large muscle groups use a lot of energy from carbohydrate and fat. But, energy from carbohydrates is especially important for the brain and central nervous system. In fact, the brain alone requires at least 120 grams of carbohydrates Continue reading

Bite Into A Healthy Lifestyle!

March is National Nutrition Month, and this year’s theme is Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle! What could be easier? March is a wonderful time to adopt an eating and physical activity plan that is focused on consuming fewer calories, making informed food choices, and getting daily exercise. I often tell my clients and students to start with the next bite. What I mean is that perhaps you haven’t been eating that well, perhaps winter was a nutritional slump for you, or maybe you went a little crazy at the all-you-can-eat buffet last night. That’s okay, because each day is a new day. But to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, reduce risk for chronic illnesses, and live a healthy life, you have to start with the next bite. Spring is here and fresh fruits and vegetables abound, making it so Continue reading

Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

This winter has been one of the coldest, snowiest I can remember! I don’t like being cold, so I spent this past weekend watching a movie marathon while 10 inches of snow fell outside. And… now it’s official: I have the winter doldrums. But, nothing can fix this cabin fever like a little exercise! Today I’m planning to be active, won’t you join me? Exercise boosts endorphins, chemicals that trigger feel-good emotions in your brain. Likewise, exercise focuses the brain and relieves stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep disruptions that lead to more stress. While we still have this snow, I’m planning to pull out my sturdier running shoes for a short snow run – I feel less impact on my knees. Walking releases stress, too, and allows me and my doggie to enjoy the loveliness of the winter wonderland! Perhaps Continue reading