New Study Encourages Plant Foods

The phrase low-carb has become part of our daily lexicon. But what exactly does this mean and what’s all the hype about carbs? A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine sorts out the conflicting information. Carbs, or carbohydrates, are one of the essential nutrients needed in the diet. When we think of carbohydrates, we usually think of plant foods – fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts/seeds. The primary purpose of carbohydrates is to provide energy in the form of calories, so our bodies can walk, breathe, think, and function in society. Indeed, our brains and central nervous systems rely preferentially on carbohydrates for energy. However, carbs have gotten a bad name in the past years due, in part, to the popularity of low carbohydrate (or low carb) diets that are high in animal meats, such as the Continue reading