About Amy Kweller MS, RD

As a Registered Dietitian, I have a professional relationship with pears. But as someone who loves great food, I also have a personal relationship with pears! So there is no better way to spend my time than blogging about this lovely fruit. I will blog about pears from farm to table; healthy living, cooking, and recipes; the therapeutic benefits of pears and a wholesome diet; and how pears can fit into your lifestyle. I have a background in clinical and community nutrition, and teaching others how to lead healthy, fulfilling lives is my goal and passion – so send me your questions. My hope is that everyone who visits this site will find something that lingers long after the browser closes, and I expect that will be a deeper love of pears!

Love Your Heart!

For centuries, the heart was thought to be the center of all thought processes and, therefore, responsible for emotions – particularly love. If you’ve ever been in love and felt your heart pound at the mere sight of your sweetheart, this makes sense! Although we now know that the heart does not control emotion, you should still love your heart. The heart is the epicenter of the body’s transportation system; through muscular contraction and relaxation it pumps blood through every single tissue to nourish and remove waste products. When the heart or blood vessels are damaged, such as from stress, inactivity, or a poor diet, there is an increased risk for hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and more. Researchers, again and again, suggest a diet high in plant foods – whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and plant oils, particularly Continue reading

The No-Resolution Revolution

New Years’ resolutions don’t work! Unfortunately, we tend to make the same, hopeless resolutions year after year. According to studies, the usual resolution is weight loss…  But, Americans continue to gain weight. The overweight and obesity rate in the United States is now 69%, or about 7 in 10 Americans!1 So why do we continue to make resolutions?! Ditch the resolution: It’s time for a no-resolution revolution. It’s as simple as this: Small changes make a BIG difference, but big changes make a small difference. What do I mean? We often set ourselves up for failure by setting unrealistic goals when we can slowly, gradually make small changes over time; small behavior changes make weight changes that add up over time. This is what leads to permanent behavior change and weight loss! Studies suggest that drastic changes are less likely Continue reading

The Perfect Poach

December is National Pear Month and the holiday season… This is the perfect recipe for poaching pears! So, how do you poach the perfect pear? Easy, it’s science! Osmosis is the movement of water across a membrane, or in this case, the pear’s cell wall. Poaching uses a minimal amount of water to simmer at a low temperature to optimize texture and flavor: The fruit will soften due to an increase in movement of the poaching liquid into the flesh of the fruit; thus, the flavor of the poaching liquid is infused into the fruit! Ideally, the poaching fluid is about 2 parts liquid (water, wine, acid) to 1 part sugar/spices. Poaching creates a tender mouthfeel by breaking down the plant cell wall and allowing the poaching liquid to enter and leave its essence. Yum! To poach the perfect pear: Continue reading

Keep Moving!

With chilly weather sweeping the nation, it’s easy to stay inside and put exercise on the back burner. Although that’s certainly a good idea if it’s icy or the weather is too cold to exercise safely, after a few days it’s important to get moving again! To put this in perspective, consider these benefits of moving during cold weather. Prevent weight gain. Especially with the holidays approaching and the abundance of winter comfort foods, moving more can counteract excess calories consumed. Prevent seasonal depression. When I’m stuck inside for too long, I notice I get the blues (and cabin fever!). Getting out for a brisk walk, hike, or snowshoe helps clear the mind and increase endorphins that improve mood. Reduce stress and sleep better! This time of year is rife with stress, but moving more can balance stress and reduce Continue reading


We have so much for which to be thankful! One thing I’m not thankful for is a week full of binging on foods that make me feel sluggish, grumpy and guilty. So how can we change our minds around Thanksgiving? By rethinking the craving to overeat. My family is coming to my house for Thanksgiving this year, and I plan to pour my heart into every second with them. Of course, the crescendo will end in the Thanksgiving meal, which will feature a beautifully seasoned turkey, pear and chestnut stuffing, cranberry persimmon sauce, green beans amandine, rosemary focaccia, and of course, delectable pumpkin pie tartlets. Instead of encouraging moderation at the Thanksgiving meal, why not splurge? If we can keep our urge to overeat to one meal, and one meal only, perhaps the craving to splurge will be blunted. The Continue reading

Summer Showdown!

As the summer months come to a close and fall is on the horizon, it’s back to school! This August marks the inaugural year of Kids Eat Right Month from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The idea is that as summer draws to a close and kids head back to the classroom, we need to focus on healthful eating and an active lifestyle. In light of the obesity epidemic and what this suggests for the future, the campaign focuses on children, but it’s a healthy reminder for all of us! We all need to shop smart, cook healthfully, and eat well. I start with fruits and vegetables; they are at the core of every meal and snack I have. My tricks are easy for busy adults and kids! On weekends I shop and pre-package my fruits and veggies, so Continue reading

Find Your Farmer

Summer is the perfect time to find fresh fruits and vegetables, including some you may have never tried! Farmers’ Markets are in full swing, and the abundance of summer produce may surprise you. Along with fruits and vegetables, many markets also offer local meats, eggs, cream and butter, honey, flowers, spices and herbs – along with products distinctive to your area! What’s nice about going to a local market is these ingredients are in season and at their ripest, meaning most delicious and bursting with nutrients; plus, you can find fresh ideas to inspire your staples. For instance, I always have lettuce on hand – romaine, arugula, maché – and with all the fresh produce available, I’m able to come up with fresh, new ideas! This weekend, I made a salad with fresh arugula, prosciutto, lemon, sliced grapes and pears, Continue reading

Fun (and Safe) in the Sun!

It’s warm, you’re outside more – maybe playing sand volleyball or enjoying a cocktail on the patio. Who doesn’t love summer? But beware: too much fun in the sun can lead to a serious problem. When it’s warm, we sweat to keep cool; excess sweat can lead to too much fluid and electrolyte loss. This means we need to consume more! But what the heck are electrolytes and where do I find them? Electrolytes are charged minerals, specifically sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate, and calcium. Those of greatest import during warm weather or activity are sodium and potassium because they are lost through sweat. In the body they are kept in cells and blood and used to communicate; they carry impulses that stimulate nerve and muscle contractions. When you sweat too much or don’t consume enough, your body becomes deficient Continue reading

You Can Do It!

Those of you who know me know I started my health journey 70 pounds heavier than I am now. I’ve completed seven half marathons, but never experienced the exhilaration of completing a full… until now. I ran my first full marathon this past weekend! Although the training was a chore (to be quite honest, it was sometimes boring), it was worth the toil when I ran across the finish line. If I can do it, anyone can! A goal is something to be accomplished, no matter what it is. Looking back to when I was unhealthy, I think about how little I exercised, the processed junk I ate, and how horrible I felt. Life was different then: I slept a lot more, craved junk food, and didn’t even try fruits, vegetables, or exercise. Now, I have more energy, enjoy working Continue reading

Variety is Key!

I’ve heard it a million times, “My kid just doesn’t like vegetables!” It seems to me that there is an epidemic of confusion concerning how to eat healthfully, and it seems to starts early in life. I’ve never met a parent who didn’t want what was best for his or her child, so listen up! A study came out earlier this year with some good tips on how to get your children to not only eat their vegetables, but to like them, too. When infants are first offered complementary foods, around 6 months of age, a study published in the journal Appetite found that increasing the variety of vegetables offered markedly improved an infant’s acceptance. A group of 60 mothers were randomized to an intervention group that offered five different vegetables during the first 15 days of weaning; the infants Continue reading