Celebrating the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

Greetings from Hong Kong! I’m wrapping up a two week tour of visiting the markets in Southeast Asia. It will be a few more weeks until the ships arrive with the first USA Pears of the season, but I have learned a lot on this trip to help prepare for the new crop! In Singapore and Hong Kong especially, the Chinese population is getting ready for the Mid-Autumn Festival. To celebrate, streets are decorated with lanterns, and typical foods include mooncakes – which are made from lotus seed paste – and pomelos. Look familiar? They look like giant Green Anjou pears! Pomelos, however, have a thick rind and the fruit itself is made up of wedges, like an orange or other citrus fruit. There is such a wide variety of tropical fruits available in these markets, so it was fun Continue reading

Hola, Peras USA

I just got back from Mexico on a trip to represent USA Pears at Expo ANTAD, which is Mexico’s biggest retail tradeshow.  Before traveling to Guadalajara for the show, I flew into Mexico City to visit the markets – it’s the most populated city in North America (did you know that?), so of course it is full of shoppers that love USA Pears. So as we were on our way to the wholesale market, what else did we happen to come upon but a billboard for USA Pears? And it happened again as we were leaving the public market!  Purely coincidental.  “Tan dulces como tú…Así son las Peras USA” translates to “As sweet as you are…so are USA Pears.”  As you can tell from the photos, this billboard reminds families, especially moms, that pears are a nutritious choice for a Continue reading